Sunday's Message Notes

Follow along with this weeks' message from SouthGate Church


Sunday, January 19, 2025

“It’s Up To You” Pt 2

Taking your next step for a better future

The only difference between a grave and a rut is the length.

My destiny is my choice.

Romans 8:31 Cotton Patch Version

“How, then, shall we respond to all this?

If God is rootin’ for us, who can win over us? If he didn’t hold

back his own Son, but put him in the game for us all, won’t he

even more gladly, in addition to his Son, equip us

with all we need to win the game?”

Psalm 37:23-24 CEV

If you do what the Lord wants, he will make certain

each step you take is sure. The Lord will hold your hand,

and if you stumble, you still won't fall.

Jeremiah 29:11 TPT

Here’s what Yahweh says to you: “I know all about the

marvelous destiny I have in store for you, a future planned

out in detail. My intention is not to harm you but to surround

you with peace and prosperity and to give you a beautiful

future, glistening with hope.

Two Important Truths About Your Destiny

1. God’s destiny for your life is good and filled with hope.

2. You get to choose it.

Deuteronomy 30:15-16 CEV

Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and

success or death and disaster.

I am commanding you to be loyal to the Lord, to live the way

he has told you, and to obey his laws and teachings. You are

about to cross the Jordan River and take the land that he is

giving you. If you obey him, you will live and become

successful and powerful.




Blind named Bartimaeus - Mark 10:46-52

Unnamed paralyzed man - John 5:1-17

Faith is more than believing.

Faith is action, movement; faith is activity. James 2:14

The first step is always the scariest.

Questions to Ponder

1. Can you look back on your life and see the times when

God’s blessings came after you made a choice to move

forward in faith?

2. What barriers have you seen that keep people from

choosing to live the life God wants them to live?

3. What might God be asking you to do today in order to

choose the destiny he has planned for you?

- What’s your next step?

There is no spiritual authority in your life more powerful than

your choice.