Our Process
Three simple steps

1. Love God
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matt. 22:37-38
The first step in SouthGate Church's discipleship process is really the basis for any meaningful, life-changing experience with God. It is learning to "Love God" for who He is and what He has done.
Through our Sunday morning Worship Services and SG Kids Ministries you and your family will be exposed to solid, Bible based teaching that will allow you to grow in your understanding of God, his will for your life, and the redemption he offers every individual through His Son Jesus Christ. You will also have the opportunity to experience Him in a very deep and personal way through the worship portion of our services. As we grow in our knowledge of God and experience his love for us in a personal way, we cannot help but deepen our faith and our relationship with him and move towards the goal of SouthGate's discipleship process, which is a greater level of spiritual maturity for everyone who attends here.

2. Connect With Others
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” JOHN 13:35
Our Connections Ministry is made up of a variety of small groups that are designed to help people grow in Christ and provide opportunities for them get connected in meaningful, beneficial relationships with other believers.
This ministry includes our:
- Connect Groups - These groups meet twice a year (spring & fall) for 6-8 weeks. We offer adult and child-friendly (built in childcare & children's curriculum) groups. The focus is spiritual growth and building Christ-centered community
- Life Groups - These social groups are for people who share common interests such as hobbies, hiking, books, sports, cars, etc.
- Growth Groups - Men's, Women's or Coed Groups that are focused on spiritual growth.
Whether social or spiritually focused, all of our groups are Christ centered and will always have an aspect connects them to faith in God.
We are always looking to expand our group offerings in these areas so if you have an idea for a group that might fall into one of these categories we'd love to hear from you!

3. Serve the World
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms" 1 Peter 4:10; Mark 10:43-45; Gal. 6:9-10
The third step in SouthGate Church's discipleship process is where the believer is encouraged to look beyond his or her own self to the needs of others. A person who is motivated by love for God and for others, who has connected in meaningful, life-changing relationships with other believers and whose life reflects the servant heart of Christ is a person who has reached the place of spiritual maturity that is the goal of SouthGate's discipleship process.
SouthGate Church is committed to providing believers with as many opportunities as possible to become involved in serving the needs of others. This includes ministry within our church, outreach to our community, and involvement in and support of missionary work around the world. Come join us as we seek to change our world through serving one person at a time