God Questions & Answers

Answers to some basic questions we all have about God...

God Questions & Answers

People have all sorts of questions about God but there are some basic, fundamental questions that we all have wrestled with at one time or another. We've listed a few of them and included some insights we hope you'll find helpful. Just click on the link to your question below and find your answer...

  1. Does God exist?
  2. What is the meaning of life?
  3. Is the Bible true?
  4. Do all roads lead to Heaven? (Are all religions equally valid?)
  5. Why does God allow evil?
  6. Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?
  7. How can I be saved?

Special thanks to Got Questions Ministries at gotquestions.org for providing much of the material contained here! We also recommend a book called "The God Questions" by Hal Seed as a great resource for questions people have about God.